Wellness & Comprehensive Exams

dogearexamA wellness exam includes a comprehensive history gathering, a head-to-tail physical examination and any preventative care services, such as vaccinations, parasite prevention or additional diagnostic screening tests, such as blood, urine, or fecal testing for early disease detection.

Puppies and kittens should be seen at 8, 12 and 16 weeks for examinations, parasite prevention, vaccinations, and preventative health care discussions.

Annually, pets should be examined, which allows Alpine Animal Hospital to provide care that will keep them healthy and happy for their entire lives. For us to dispense any medications, including ongoing medications and flea/parasite prevention, your pet will require an exam within 12 months.

Comprehensive examinations allow for more time to be spent with you and your pet to address concerns you have, answer all your questions, and provide care that will get them feeling better in no time. Our medical assessment starts with a thorough history taking, including questions about lifestyle, nutrition, activity, and medications.

Next, we examine your pet’s eyes, ears, teeth, heart and lungs, abdomen, skin, and skeletal system for any abnormalities. We may recommend further testing on blood, urine, or feces, which will provide information about your pet’s internal organ function, urinary and gastrointestinal health, or imaging, which will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

If you’re concerned your pet may be ill, please schedule a comprehensive exam. If you feel that their condition is urgent, call the clinic to speak with one of our reception team, who will do their best to get your pet seen as soon as possible, or direct you to the nearest emergency centre.

To book an appointment please give us a call at 204-661-9090.

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