
Thousands of pets are lost each year, leaving behind their terrified owners. It is devastating for owners when they spend weeks and months looking everywhere for their beloved pet before they give up and face the realization that their favorite pet is not coming home. Unfortunately, it happens way too often. Tattoos can be an effective form of identification, the only problem is tattoos can fade over time.

Luckily, there is something that you can do to ensure that you can easily find your lost pet. Even better, the procedure is quick and easy.

microchipping-3-200x300-1All it takes is a simple visit to the veterinary hospital to get a microchip for your pet. Then, you can avoid the heartache that comes with a lost pet.

How Microchipping Works

Microchipping is a safe procedure that we offer to our clients and their pets. Basically, we insert a tiny chip under the pet’s skin. It is quick and relatively painless. The microchip itself is about the size of a grain of rice and nearly impossible to feel once implanted.

Once a microchip is implanted, our clinic automatically registers your pet into the EIDAP database, whose coverage is international. Pet owners are welcome to upgrade (optional) the microchip coverage to include additional information on you pet such as medical information, photo ID and which Veterinary clinic your pet goes to.

Anytime that a lost pet is brought in, veterinarians and animal shelters are urged to scan them for a microchip. If one is located, their owner can be contacted. We truly believe that microchipping is the best way to bring pets home to their owners!


If your pet has already been microchipped be sure to always keep your contact information up to date with the microchip company and your veterinary clinic.

Save yourself the heartache and stress of a lost pet by microchipping your pet.

Contact us to schedule your pet’s appointment today at (204) 661-9090.

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