Parasite Control

In Manitoba our primary concerns are ticks, fleas, intestinal parasites and heartworm. 

At Alpine Animal Hospital, we carry a variety of oral and topical parasite products, but if we do not have the type/size in stock that you are looking for, we can order it in within a few days.pug

Intestinal Parasites

Many puppies and kittens are actually born with worms passed from their mothers; therefore, we encourage monthly deworming until at least 6 months of age. There are a range of worms that we should protect against, including roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms, for both your pet’s wellbeing but also for you and your family. Talk to your veterinarian about what preventative product and deworming schedule is right for your pet.


We have seen more ticks in the past few years in Manitoba than ever before – and not only from dogs exploring our long-grassed areas, as we did previously. Ticks are not only a nuisance, but can also spread diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis and cause tick paralysis. We recommend learning what ticks look like and checking over your animal after coming in from outside, tick preventative products while the temperature is over 0 degrees Celsius and there is grass exposure.

Please phone the clinic if you found a tick and need help removing or identifying it! Ticks can also be submitted to be tested for Lyme disease.

For more information on Ticks and the disease they spread see:


Heartworm (Dirofilaria Immitis) is a parasite that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Infected dogs can develop adult worms that will migrate to the vasculature of the heart and dangerously disturb blood flow, which can be fatal if not treated in time. Some dogs will not show any clinical signs, while others may have coughing, lethargy, weight loss, swollen abdomen, and sudden death. If you’re travelling south, it is important to also give your pet heartworm prevention.

Prevention is key and is safe, affordable, and effective. Most heartworm medications also protect against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, ear mites and fleas. For safety reasons, pets that have been potentially exposed should have their blood tested prior to starting the medication. It is mandatory that a heartworm and Tick disease test (4DX) is ran on your pet every 2 years prior to starting prevention.


Fleas can cause itching, irritation and transmit tapeworms to your pets. They can also infect other pets in the home and even bite people! They can be a pain to rid once an infestation has occurred and we recommend prevention for fleas in the spring and summer months.

Please consult your veterinarian at Alpine Animal Hospital to determine the best regimen for prevention for your pet!

To book an appointment please give us a call at 204-661-9090.

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